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Folly Beach Rules for Events on Private Property


The following rules and regulations apply to all special events no matter where they are held in the City. Events on private property must meet each of these conditions.


  1. Must not generate noise that impacts nearby properties. (Example: amplified music; noise regulations found Folly Code Section 131.30-131.35)

  2. Must not result in illegal parking or blocking of roadways and driveways (parking regulations found Folly Code Section 72.01-72.23)

  3. Shall register events of 25 or more participants with the City of Folly Beach.

  4. Shall not have more than 49 people in events held in short term rentals.

  5. Shall not have amplified music outdoors in events held in short term rentals.

  6. Shall only use vendors that have City of Folly Beach business licenses.

  7. Unless specifically waived by City Council, participants in special events on public or private property shall comply with all relevant City, State, and Federal laws.


If you have any questions, please contact the Community Coordinator, Colleen Jolley, at 843-513-1836, or


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